A youtube music playlist of some famous American and British Songs with AI generated images. Very interesting, this is! Please comment your reactions to the playlist.
Category Archives: Rock’N’Roll
Tubular Bells – Mike Oldfield(1973)
Pywackett Productions’ Favorite Rolling Stones
Pywackett Productions’ favorite Rolling Stones pieces. Remember in Rock’N’Roll nothing lasts forever except The Rolling Stones!
Their Satanic Majesties Request – The Rolling Stones(1967)
ABKCO is currently at work producing outstanding Official Lyric Videos of the Stones which you can see in the playlist above. “Their Satanic Majesties Request” is an excellent example of 1960’s Psychedelia and has split many opinions five different ways. Certainly highly experimental, and some of the tracks are not all that great like 8 …
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SCANDAL (スキャンダル)
One of the finest all-girl rock bands. Formed in 2006, and still active. Please see wikipedia for more info
Babymetal Classic
Babymetal Classic, when the girls were in their prime as Teenagers and full of energy. Now (2021) in their 20’s and ready for the rocking chair. They no longer have that Teen Energy because they are adults. The Classic Period runs from 2010 to 2018, when in 2018 some tragedy struck the group. Due to …
All Girl Rock Bands (All Japanese)
All the great All Girl Rock Bands today, or even yesterday, are Japanese. Why do only Japanese girls play great Rock’N’Roll? This is a mystery! If you have an idea, please leave a comment about your theory. Pywackett Productions would love to hear it.
Favorite Vocaloids
A Vocaloid is sort of like an animation, but more graphical in visual orientation. The principle artistic value of a Vocaloid is that the singing is done by a computer generated voice synthesizer. Some are quite good. This playlist is highly recommended.
Anime Music – OP/ED
Japanese Animation – Music from Openings or Endings Anime OP/ED has become something of an art form unto itself. There are those who review Anime Openings and Closings.
Anime Music
Music from Japanese Animation (Anime)