“The Invention of the Blue LED”
“Click on Red Arrow to play video”
“The video above is very detailed and may be difficult to follow without University Level chemistry. But the story of Professor Nakamura and his absolute dedication to finding the answer to the Blue LED problem is a remarkable story all by itself and very much worth your time.”
Blue Laser Fusion is the company that Professor Shuji Nakamura founded to generate clean energy from fusion using blue lasers
This is a story of an exceptional individual, Professor Shuji Nakamura, whose dedication and work ethic may have saved the world and humanity from itself. The technical chemical details are ferocious, but if one concentrates on the life of Professor Nakamura, a true inspiration and model for the world can be achieved. The story of the BLUE LED is a wonderful lesson in dedication and a refusal to give up.
The RED and GREEN LED were relatively easy to create, but the BLUE LED was not, and stymied engineers for almost 50 years. The reason this is important is that with RED, GREEN, and BLUE, it is then possible to create white light. White is actually not a color, but is instead a mixture of colors. Issac Newton demonstrated this by putting a light beam from the Sun through a prism, and splitting the sunlight into it’s composite colors. He then tried to break down the individual colors but they did not split any further. Also White light being a composite coat of many colors means that there are many whites. Using the RGB Model electronic devices such as TVs, Computers, Cell Phones, and the common household light bulb can produce white light.
The career of Professor Nakamura (Awarded the Nobel Prize in 2014, and Aged 70 in 2024) is not over. He is now devoted to achieving power generation through nuclear fusion using Blue Lasers. He has formed a company called Blue Laser Fusion. Whether he succeeds or not in this effort is still an open question, but we can only hope that he succeeds.
Professor Nakamura is a visible example of the very best elements in Japanese and American cultures.
Highly Recommended
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